From Houses and Gardens, Arts and Craft Interiors
"A house too may possess that strange inscrutable quality of the True Romance. Not shallow, showy, and pretentious as most modern mansions are, but full of a still, quiet earnestness which seems to lull and soothe the spirit with promises of peace. Such a house is the greatest achievement possible to the art of man better than the greatest picture, because it is not a dream alone, but the dream come true - a constant daily influence and delight."
This quote reminded me of two previous posts, the first one about Edward Burne-Jones's view of art as a dream of something too impossibly beautiful to be real and the second post about "gesamtkunstwerk", a perfect synthesis of all the arts. Having a Burne-Jones painting in your Baillie-Scott house would make for good gesamtkunstwerk I reckon.
detail of stair risers in house above
The house photographs are from a beautiful book, Baillie Scott, The Artistic House
by Diane Haigh. I'll write more about Baillie Scott, and his interior work, in a day or two.