You may remember Al Moudira from last year --- the amazing hotel near the Valley of the Kings where nearly everything was crafted out of local materials or by local artisans (
here and
Elsewhere is a bit like that...the kind of place that makes you want to find your own little plot of paradise somewhere -- mountains, beach, lake, backyard -- and build your own love shack. Here are a few details to inspire you....
The tent has painted canvas walls that appear to be stretched on framing built with 2x4s. The four walls butt up against a poured/painted concrete pad that has a 5" rim (that you can see on right of pic above) and that continues outside to make the "patio". The tent top sits on the main column (three logs tied together) and is held in place with guylines. I imagine some people could make the tent roof (here stiff canvas lined with printed cotton) but I suspect you can buy these somewhere too. The bed has mosquito netting curtains that are attached with thin coated wire stretched between little eye hooks.
Curtain rods made from bamboo. When "closed" they are weighted down against breezes by rod across bottom. Lashed bamboos window "mullions".
Bamboo bathroom mirror with shower in background. Shower is made of two floor to ceiling finished planks of roughhewn wood with a shower head and two small taps.
Clay sconces similar to those at Al Moudira.
Shower has a small, hot water on demand tank that is tucked in corner behind plank. These are ubiquitous in India where showers seem to be the only fixture with hot water.
sink of rough hewn wood, matting, and stone.
A simple lounger -- nice touch are the 1x1" stiles set diamond-style on front and back.